Benefits of Structural Integration

Structural Integration is a scientifically validated system of body restructuring that can make dramatic changes in a person’s structure.

Structure and function are co dependent.  If you have a poor structure, you will have poor function and  this means poor performance.

People seek Structural integration as a way to ease chronic  pain, stress and improve performance in their professional and daily activities. For athletes, movement and flexibility are critical to optimum training.  Athletes, musicians, performers, children, and people from all walks of life will benefit from Structural Integration. It is perfect for anyone wishing to improve the way in which their body functions and feels.

Benefits reported by Structural Integration clients include:

  • Improved posture and greater range of motion and flexibility.
  • Freedom from sciatica, chronic back and neck pain.
  • Decreased tension and stress and relief from repetitive strain injuries.
  • Improved balance, coordination and athletic performance
  • Increased energy and sense of well-being.

What is the basic ten series?

The ten sessions is broken down into 3 categories. The superficial session, the core sessions and the integrating sessions.

Sessions 1 to 3 focus on releasing the superficial layers of the connective tissue that can be described as the muscles close to the surface of the body also being called the sleeve muscles.

Sessions 4 to 7 are considered the core sessions. When I say this I mean the deep musculature and connective tissue of the body. Also called the intrinsic muscles, these help us with fine motor movement and produce graceful and fluid movement.

Sessions 8 to 10 are designed to integrate the core and the sleeve. The practitioner balances and aligns the patterns of the body and looks at re-ordering rotational patterns in the structure.


Structural Integration & the 10 series?

Structural Integration is a form of soft tissue bodywork and physical therapy with movement education that release patterns of stress and tension that inhibit the body from moving freely.

Benefits of Structural Integration

Structural Integration improves posture, relieves chronic pain, increases flexibility and athletic performance.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is the connective tissue that covers every muscle, organ, tendon and Ligament.

Structural Integration & Children

The Positive Impacts of Structural Integration On Children’s Health at an early age gives them ease with their own bodies and develops confidence in their self image.

Research and Articles

Many scientific studies have been performed to confirm the effectiveness of the Structural Integration.

Videos on Structural Integration

Here are some videos of Dr Rolf and working with clients and talking about Structural Integration.

Before and After Pictures

Here you will find before and after pictures of people who have gone through the 10 sessions of Dr Rolf’s Structural Integration. Among the benefits, people report feeling taller, moving easier, having more energy and at ease with their bodies.

Faq’s, pricing and what to wear?

Cost and Client intake form.
How are Osteopathy, Chiropractic and massage different to S.I? What is the basic ten series?

Who is Ida P.Rolf, Ph.D?

Ida P. RolfIda P. Rolf, a native New Yorker, graduated from Barnard College in 1916.